World of WORKcraft

OI! This week has been looooong. I’ve been getting little to no sleep, working a bit extra, and to top it all off my school workload the past two weeks has been HORENDOUS! I’ve spent way to many hours trudging through research for two key projects for the semester that came due this week.

This has left Sy a dull and worn out guy. Oh yeah, also the little one is two weeks old, and likes late nights more than her father. Of this I am sure! She really likes early mornings as well. I can’t complain about this though, as this morning was the only time I’ve played WOW all week!

I’m hoping to remedy this whole “no wow” problem this weekend. I do however want to give ladygil a bit of a break if I can. She’s been doing the overnight feedings as I have to drive to and from classes way to early in the morning( I leave about 6:20 and am use to not leaving the house until around 9ish). It’s working out, and I’m almost done. I found out where I will be doing my student teaching this week, so I see the light at the end of this very long tunnel! It’s out there, oh yes, I can see it… you see it don’t you? yeah, right there, that pinprick way out there…that sort of glowy spot? Well, who cares if you see it or not, it’s there!

Remember to get your comments in over at 4theHorde before saturday, I’ll be drawing someones character sketch this weekend, and it could be yours!(Gnome would be really mad if it isn’t his though!) Who know’s, maybe I have a surprise in store for our pint-sized little friend… Anyway, have a great week guys, and I’ll catch up with you on the other end of this contest. I don’t forsee a post for me tomorrow, so you guys can go back and reread this one. Seriously, go back in your feed readers and mark this post unread…go ahead, I’ll wait…you done yet? good. So, see you tomorrow!

Contest Still Going!

Thanks for all of the kind words everyone has been throwing out on the internets. I’ve seen some HILARIOUS comments, posts, and tweets telling the world…of warcraft about my new etsy shop!

If you are interested in purchasing a custom toon get with me, check out my etsy shop, leave a comment, heck, if you can find my number, give me a call!!! The contest for the free toon drawing of YOUR toon is going through saturday over at 4theHorde! Good luck, and keep on pimpin!

Also, best pic ever…


Blog Bling!

Hey guys, I started drawing toons for people about a week back, and have had a blast setting up an etsy shop, working on some promo material(ya know, pimping my talent) and being super busy doing real life stuff. Now, I did end up selling my murloc Marine pet to pay for the markers to get going on this endeavour. (I had some, but just the basics)

Yes, I parted ways with my murloc space marine pet. It’s okay though, he’s a little annoying in my opinion. Some guy out there on the webs and wide open spaces of Ebay liked it so much, he paid me 80 bucks for it, woot! That bought me 20 or so markers. Woot. Copic markers guys, they are awesome.

Now, in doing some of my promo work to get the word out, I drew a TREE OF DOOM for Saresa over at Tree of Doom, and Destructive Reach. It’s a great place to have something featured, as she seems to get some serious traffic. Much more serious than I get here. I have to get the word out right? Right? I mean come on, I want to sell some art work here! Justify all of this hulabalu!

I have had a few questions, but no one seriously jumping at me yet. I’ll give it time, and I mean seriously, as long as I am having fun with it, it’s totally worth it to me! So go ahead, check out some of my work in previous posts, check out my work at Etsy, and if you see something you like, let me know. Who know’s maybe I’ll end up drawing something for you one day!

Also, keep your eyes peeled for a contest on 4theHorde, I’ll be giving away a custom headshot of your favorite toon within the week! Details coming soon!


Random Power Outage Fail and Contest!!!!

Hey guys, I had an amazing post that was going to go up about now, but thanks to the wonderful power company, I don’t get to put it up. I had been working for about forty five minutes on a detailed post about what goes on in my free time, why Fikkle stalks me, and if I may say so, quite possibly my best post ever. Then the power went out…and I’m the nub who didn’t even save his work as he went. I fail. So, instead, I’ll be giving away something, let me take a look around….how about… an unscratched Slashdance card from the tcg? Yeah, that’ll work!


I’m giving away 1 Slashdance loot card to a random person that helps me get the word out about this blog. Give me three links in my comment section to places on the internet you mentioned, and linked, The World of Sylus Blog. Yes, Shameless. I am Shameless. Lets get the word out and get yourself a chance at winning this here loot card!

Have fun with it, and please please please, keep the sites clean, yeah, I’m talking to you fikkle!!! If I didn’t throw this disclaimer out  I’d never want to click on some of your links!!!

4 out of 5 random guys give this post a Thumbs Up!

Happy linking,
~Uncle Sy